There is no loneliness if one is satisfied with oneself.
Hans-Ulrich Rieker
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Today's Meditation:
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Today's Meditation:
I used to spend a lot of time feeling lonely, feeling like I needed someone
else around to give me the validation that would make me feel better about
myself and my life. It wasn't until I finally realized just how damaging
that perspective was to me--my loneliness was a result of my lack of
self-image, and not a result of me being alone. When I finally became
comfortable being alone, not feeling a need for someone else to be there, the
loneliness departed.
It's not always easy to feel satisfied with ourselves, especially if we set
very high standards for ourselves. It's not easy to feel that we aren't
lacking anything if we believe that things outside of ourselves are necessary
for our lives to be complete. And loneliness can be devastating--in our
attempts to avoid it, we may seek out the company of people who are very bad
for us, and continue to see them even if we know that they're bad for us.
We all have times when we feel frustrated and disappointed with ourselves, but
we need to be sure that we don't let those frustrations lead to an overall
dissatisfaction. If we do, we face the possibility of bringing other
feelings such as loneliness and depression into our lives, and we really don't
need such feelings around, do we?
We can be satisfied with ourselves even when we're alone. And loneliness
isn't necessarily a natural result of being alone--our time alone can be some
of the most valuable and interesting times of our lives if we focus on the
possibilities that are present in each moment instead of what isn't there.
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Questions to consider:
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Questions to consider:
How do you define loneliness? Why is it such a difficult feeling for so
many people to deal with?
What are some of the most important elements of being satisfied with ourselves?
Why do so many of us have difficulties being by ourselves?
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For further thought:
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For further thought:
When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do
not properly value the only companion we will
have from birth to death--ourselves.
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